
Best Questions For Standard 8 Students

 What items are soaked before cooking in your home? Why?

In my house mung, chana, tuwer, chola, wal, vatana, rajma, rice etc. are soaked before cooking. The darna which is very hard takes more time to cook. Soaking the grains makes them slightly softer and takes less time to cook.

What sprouts do you eat? How is it measured? How long does it take?

In my house mung, gram and matha are sprouted and eaten. They are soaked in water overnight. In the morning he is taken out of the water and wrapped in wet clothes. Chickpeas take two days to sprout, while mung and mutton take less time.

Has a doctor advised you or someone around you to eat sprouted beans? Why?

Yes, a few months ago my father was advised by the doctor to eat sprouted beans. He had been ill for fifteen days and had become weak. Sprouted beans are nutritious. It is useful in generating new cells in our body, growing them and increasing the immunity of the body.


In which bowl the seeds have sprouted? What differences can you see between this bowl and the other bowls?

Shoots have sprouted only in pot number two. The seeds in the remaining two pots did not germinate. This is because the chickpeas in bowl number 2 got both water and air. While the chickpeas in bowl number 1 got more water than required, but did not get air. The chickpeas in bowl number 3 got only air. No water was found. Thus, air and water should be available in sufficient quantity for sprouting.


Why did Gopal's mother wrap the soaked gram in a wet cloth?

Gopal's mother tied the soaked chickpeas in a wet cloth to germinate them (Akurit), so that the chickpeas can get both water and air.


The whole tuber germinates, but the tuber lentil cannot be germinated. Why so?

Whole Tuvar is the seed of the Tuvar plant. of that seed is an inactive state. It germinates by getting water, air and suitable space. Tuwer dal is not a natural tuwer seed. Tuvar dal is made by filling the whole tuvar and cutting it in two, removing the pulp and doing the necessary processing. By doing this the tuvere lentil loses its ability to germinate.


Can any plant grow without seeds?

Yes, some plants grow without seeds. D. E.g., potato eye (pitted part) is planted to grow potato plant. Similarly, plants such as rose, henna, banana, guava, pomegranate, bordi etc. can be grown without seeds.


How does a small seed grow into a big plant or tree?

Seeds germinate by absorbing water from the soil. This sprout grows by getting air, sunlight and water and finally becomes a big plant or tree.


Some plants self-disperse their seeds over long distances. When the soybean pods are ripe they split open and the seeds are thrown out. Have you ever heard his voice?

No, I have never heard his voice. But it has been read that ripe pods of soybeans snap with a noise and the seeds are thrown away.


Have you seen banyan, peepal or other plants growing on any wall or in a well? How did the seed get there? Who would have gone through? find out

Yes, I have seen banyan, peepal or other plants growing in the crevice of the wall and in the gap of the well. Birds like pigeons, sparrows or parrots make their nests on the wall or in a small hole in a well. These birds eat the fruits of banyan, pipal or other plants and keep them in their nests. Their pods contain the seeds of the fruit, and on receiving moisture or water, the seeds grow into pods, pipals or other plants.


Think, what happens if the seeds do not spread and fall in one place?

If the seeds do not spread and fall in one place, all the seeds of the same tree fall under it. The plants grown from those seeds will not get proper sun, water and air and will not grow well. Also, if the seed falls in one place, the plant will grow in that place, but the plant will not be found in another place.

How are seeds spread? Write any two ways in your own words.

Seeds are spread by wind, water, animals-birds and self-rupture of the horns.

(i) By wind : The seeds which are light in weight are blown by wind and spread from one place to another. D. E.g., Akado, Kanji and Shimla seeds are light and spread by wind.

ii) By water : Seeds floating in water are spread from one place to another by being dragged along with the current of water. D. E.g., spread alfalfa and fennel seeds as they float on water


How are beans germinated?

Beans are soaked in water overnight. in the morning


Dispersal of seeds

Dispersal of seeds : The beans are removed from the water, tied in a damp cloth and hung to germinate. After that, sprouted beans are ready in a day or two.


Explain with examples how seeds are dispersed by wind.

The seeds of some plants are very light and have thin filaments. Such seeds fly in the air with the wind and spread far and wide. Thus, wind helps in spreading the seeds. D. E.g., chickpea, kanji and chickpea seeds.


Explain with examples three factors that play a role in seed dispersal.

Factors that play a role in dispersal of seeds are wind, water, birds and animals.

(i) Wind : : The seeds which are light in weight are blown by wind and spread from one place to another. D. E.g., Akado, Kanji and Shimla seeds are light and spread by wind.

(ii) Water : Floating seeds are spread from one place to another by being dragged along with the current of water. D. E.g. alfalfa and fennel seeds float on water. They spread through water.

(iii) Birds and animals: When birds and animals eat plants, the seeds enter their bodies. Undigested seeds fall to the ground along with bird droppings and animal feces and spread. The seeds of Gadru and Gokhru are prickly. It sticks to the body of animals and reaches from one place to another.


Why do plants grow in monsoons?

Seed dispersal takes place through various factors. Due to this, plant seeds are spread in many places on the ground. Rainfall during monsoon provides the necessary water for germination of seeds. So in monsoon, vegetation grows everywhere.


If the soil is overwatered after sowing the seeds, then why the seeds do not sprout?

For sprouting from seeds, it is necessary for the seeds to get adequate amount of water. Along with this, it is equally important for the seeds to get air and heat. After sowing the seeds in the soil, when the soil is over watered, the seeds do not get the air and heat required for germination. So if the seeds are overwatered after sowing, the seeds will not sprout.


State the advantages of seed dispersal (radiation).

Advantages of seed propagation are as follows: (1) Dispersal of plant seeds prevents them from becoming concentrated in one place of the plant.             

(2) Dispersal of seeds causes plants to grow in different places. Therefore, they have better access to sunlight, water and nutrients and growth is improved.

(3) Seed dispersal allows the same plant to spread widely in new departures. Hence the area of vegetation is year.

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