
Best Story For Students about King Vikram

 Hello Friends here some amazing story of King Vikram.

Vikramraja himself

Seeing that one after another they failed to find the young suitor of Garas, the king declared in the court, 'Now I myself will fall on the field.' Everyone in the Raj Sabha was surprised and understood that now this has happened to the escapee.

The king told all his spies, 'Tonight, whoever is seen wandering the streets in violation of my decree, inform me immediately.' Back in the town it was decreed that no one should venture out after a certain time of night.

Kunwar knew all the news through Malan and at night to the king He started thinking of how to give thap. Thinking tho, he found a way Night fell. Manal soon fell asleep. Kunvar take some precious clothes and spray perfume and go out! Lapatochupato reached the river bank and started washing the clothes he had brought along.

The time of the king's decree had begun. Except for spies!! Everyone was stuck in some house. At that time spies saw a simple man washing clothes on the river bank and informed the king. The king reached the bank of the river on horseback. 'Alya who are you? The king's orders at midnight!! What is disrespectful doing here?' Kunvar recognized the king and said, 'Maharaj! I am the dhobi of Maharaniba. I got the clothes late, so I have come to wash them, because I have to do them when they arrive tomorrow morning. If not sure, smell this garment. How perfumed. Who wears perfumed clothes except Raniji?' 'Varu, you have done your job Judge. I have one too There is a task to be done to catch the headstrong man. So in search of it have to leave Have you seen anyone leave here?'

As soon as the king turned his horse to go, Kunwar approached him A small pot floated upside down in a river, the pot drifted away in a blink of an eye. As soon as he had gone away, he called out to the king from afar. The king came and asked 'Why, what is it? Why did you call me?' 'Pardon the trouble, sir, but look at the one who seems to be floating away. So I called you. Perhaps he is your fugitive?'

The king felt justified and immediately took off his clothes and jumped into the river. They floated forward, the chief in front and the king behind. The pot looked like a human head in the dark, so the king was deceived.

On this side Kunvar without missing a beat put on the king's clothes and mounted the horse and drove the horse towards the palace. Who will stop the king from reaching or going to the palace? So reach the palace 1 see. 2 Kuvar went to the bedchamber and wrote a letter to the king saying, 'I will continue to send my message to you in this way until the promise of my grace is revealed to you and I receive the promise of fearlessness.'

Folding the letter, the king barely notices 5 that ” I put the letter on the bed Kunvar then went out the door. Everyone also made the way for the king to go easily. Sauna In his mind, the king goes back to see the city. No one at the front door knew about this.

Kunvar arrived home in the guise of a king and the duped king stood at the door of the palace with a bag. Who would let such a man into the palace? And who will listen to him that he is a king? After one king went in, everyone started wondering where this other beggar king came from. And all the changing clothes can recognize the king a little? So the king had to enter the palace gate and in the morning the minister broke the illusion of the guards and reprimanded the king for disturbing the palace and allowed the king to enter the palace. entered the palace,

The king went to his room, there he read the letter. He was very angry, but he also felt respect for the young man who was a connoisseur, that is, a wise royal like himself. He decided not to catch such a man like a criminal. Declared in the court, whoever is left with me should prove that he came to Sami's chest. I promise that the aspirant will be treated with respect and will not be punished in any way.

Malan narrated the king's announcement to Kunwar as a daily news.

After two days after hearing this, Kunwar sent a message to the king saying that he would stay at Mataji's temple outside the village on some day, then the king should make such arrangements as he thinks fit to entertain him in the court.

A day ahead of the appointed time, Kunwar went to the temple and made a pilgrimage. On the other side the king made preparations for his reception and in the morning went with a great procession to the temple to greet the king and his rasalo Kunvar.

Kunwar told the king in a message that he would give his Parichab in the Suravo temple, so as soon as the king arrived, Kunwar called him inside privately. He spun his mother

Presenting the given items to the king, he asked the king, do you recognize these items? Do you remember exactly who you gave it to?' 'Maharaj

The king immediately recognized his posture and handkerchief. I remembered the old thing very well. The king fell into thought and began to recollect the forgotten matter. At the same time, Kunwar narrated everything. Tears of joy came to the king's eyes and he bowed to Kunvar saying 'O my son'.

Kunwar was welcomed with great fanfare. Kunvar and Raja started walking through the streets of the city sitting in the saddle of an elephant. Then flowers started raining on him from the ghergher. Everyone knew that the claimant of Garas was none other than the king's own son, so the joy of the people was boundless.

Even Malan, who was in the dark about everything, was happy to see Kunwar in Ambadi with the king and was overjoyed to know that he was the king's son.

When the welcome procession reached the palace gate, Kunwar said to the king,

'That's it! I will not go further from here. I have promised my mother, that I will accept the happiness of a prince only when I get Garas back and put you in your place

Therefore, until you send my mother to the palace, I will live in the hut of your palace, like my mother, instead of the palace.' Seeing Kunwar's determination, he was immediately given a place in each other's simple house and arrangements were made for the immediate vexation of Rani Kantadevi.

The queen was treated with expensive and expensive honors. Mother and son met. Mother blessed and said, 'Son, son, be like you and get prosperity.'

After that both moved to a big palace, Malan's respect also increased and Vikramaraja named his son Vikramacharitra.



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