
Here Some Important Question for Standard 8 Students

 Have you ever seen any food spoil? How do you know it's spoiled?

Yes, I have often seen spoiled food at home. Food spoilage is known when white fibers are visible on the surface, there is a bad smell and the taste changes after a little taste.


How did they know the bread was spoiled?

Grandmother saw packing date and use by date on the bread. It had expired. Also, the packet of bread had green-green stains, it had become hard. Seeing all this, Dadi realized that the bread was spoiled.


What can we learn from the details written on the packet?

From the details written on the packet we can know the following details:

(1) Date and year of manufacture of the item or substance in the packet (2) Price of the item (3) Date and year of how long the item or substance in the packet can be used (4) Weight of the item or substance on the packet (5) Details of the items used to make the item or object of the packet


When you buy something from the market, what should you look/read on the packet?

If I want to buy something from the market, the following should be seen / read on the packet: (1) Date or month and year when the item of the packet was manufactured (2) Price of the item (3) Gross weight of the item (4) Expiry date or month and year (expiry date) (5) What materials the item is made of (details of ingredients (6) Manufacturer and brand name.


Different types of food spoil for different reasons. Some foods spoil quickly, while some foods last longer. List the seasons and conditions in which food spoils quickly.

Food spoils quickly in hot and rainy season. Food spoils quickly due to the following reasons:

(1) Milk deteriorates rapidly in summer. Also, it spoils quickly if not heated properly.

(2) Food spoils quickly if not kept covered and refrigerated.

(3) Green vegetables spoil faster if they are kept at a warm temperature instead of in the refrigerator.

(4) Pickle spoils quickly in humid monsoon climate.

(5) Cereals and pulses deteriorate rapidly in humid monsoon climate.


Why was mango pulp mixed with jaggery and sugar and dried in the sun?

By mixing jaggery and sugar in mango pulp and drying its thick liquid in the sun, water is removed from it. Hence it forms a uniform layer in solid form. Dehydrated mango papads do not spoil for long by sun drying. So it was dried in the sun.


How did the two brothers make mango papads? What did he do for it? Write it to the point.

To make mango papad, both the brothers first went to the market with their father and brought mats, eucalyptus tree poles and ropes to make the manchdo. Also, jaggery and sugar were bought.

The two brothers built a platform in the porch of the house in a sunny place with the things they had brought. Mats were tied on the platform. The pulp was extracted from ripe mangoes. To separate the fibers from the mango pulp, strain it through a fine cotton cloth. Alpesh crushed the jaggery until no lumps or lumps remained. After that they mixed jaggery and sugar in equal proportions in mava. Mahendra stirred the mixture with a large spoon to make it thick. Mom then spread it thinly on a mavi mat and it was left to dry in the sunlight. In the evening, he covered the saree to prevent dust from falling on the mat.

The next day he again took some mango pulp. Jaggery and sugar are added to the mava. Then he carried that maw to the next day's house. In this way for four weeks he built the house on tar and dried it in the sunlight. Then it was taken down from the platform and cut into small pieces. In this way both brothers helped in making mango papad.

List the different types of pickles you know and exchange them with your friends.

The list of pickles as per my knowledge is: Mango pickle, Carrot pickle, Ghee pickle, Garlic pickle, Lemon pickle, Amla pickle, Chilli pickle, Mix vegetable pickle, Chana-Methi pickle, Ginger pickle etc.


How to make mango pickle:

Wash the Rajapuri mango and cut it into pieces with the peel. Cut all around close to the cup.

Put salt and turmeric in it and let it stay for two days. Then spread the pieces out on a cloth to dry. (patharwan)

Put salt in the center of a bowl, fenugreek dal around it, then raisin and fenugreek seeds, put a little chilli, turmeric, hing around it. Heat the mustard oil and put it in the middle of the kathrot. Combine all the spices.

When the masala cools down, add crushed jaggery, chilli, cinnamon, pepper, cloves and mango pieces. After stirring for a week, jar.

Discard the stalks in the remaining water of salt and turmeric. When it swells up properly, take out the thalli, cut it vertically and put it in the pickle.


Gandhidham to Vapi by train is two days journey. If you had to go on that journey, what dishes would you take with you? How do you pack it? List all packaged foods on a blackboard. Which dish will you eat first?

I would prefer to carry biscuits, wafers, fruit, dry fruits, bags, puri, potato vegetable and water during the two days journey. I will pack the bags and puri in a big steel box. I will pack the potato plant in a small steel box and put the fruit in a bag. Pack dry fruits in cans or small bags. First of all I will eat poori-shak followed by sachet-yogurt. Because whole-vegetables are good only for a few hours, after which they spoil.


Glass jars and bottles should be thoroughly dried in sunlight before filling with pickles. Why is this done? do you remember What happened to the bread in the experiment?

Glass jars and bottles are dried in sunlight before filling the pickle. Because, the moisture in it is dried by the heat of sunlight. Also, the jar becomes sterile in sunlight. Hence pickles can be kept for a long time. Thus, doing so does not spoil the pickle. In the next experiment, the moisture caused the bread to spoil due to mold growing on it.


Give examples of methods of food preservation.

(1) By keeping in sugar syrup. E.g., marmalade, paste

(2) By keeping in salt. E.g., Amla

(3) By keeping in oil. E.g., pickles

(4) By drying. E.g., papad, cut


What is food wastage? Explain with example.

(1) Taking more food in the plate while eating and leaving the food in the trash. (2) Making more food than needed and throwing away the extra food. All these things indicate food wastage.

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