
Important Questions For STD - 5

 ·      How did an ant know that other ants did not belong to its group?

Each ant emits a type of scent from its body. By identifying this scent, the ant knows whether another ant belongs to its group or not. Even that (guardian) ant He knew by smell that the other ants did not belong to his group.

·      How did the guard ant recognize this ant?

The guard ant was familiar with the scent of this ant. So the guard ant recognized this ant by smelling it.

·      Have you seen a dog sniffing? What is he trying to smell? Think that.

Yes, I have seen the dog sniffing here and there. He tries to smell the urine or faeces of other dogs, so that by his smell he can know whether other dogs have come to his territory or not.

·      In what special way do humans use this canine sense of smell?

Humans use dogs' sense of smell to catch criminals, detect bombs and find lost goods.

·      Where do you find your sense of smell helpful? Write few examples. For example, aroma makes food better or worse.

This is how the sense of smell helps us are: (1) If there is a gas leak or leakage in the kitchen, we can detect it by its smell and turn off the gas to avoid accidents. (2) If the food cooked on the hearth is burning, further burning of the food can be prevented by detecting its smell. (3) Stale or spoiled food can be identified by its smell. (4) If an animal or human being is dead in a closed room, it may be known by its smell.

·      What do you think about the threat to the survival of tigers in the wild?

Poachers hunt tigers indiscriminately for their nails, teeth and furry skin. Hence the survival of the tiger is threatened. Tigers are losing their natural habitat due to deforestation. So its existence is in danger.

·      Where else are national parks and sanctuaries located in India?

We have seen that the government has declared some forests as protected areas for the protection of animals. They include 'Jim Corbett National Park' in Uttarakhand, 'Ghana' in Bharatpur district in Rajasthan. Gujarat has 'Gir National Park', 'Kaliar National Park', Marine National Park (Gulf of Kutch) and 'Vansda National Park'. Apart from this, the following states in India have national parks and sanctuaries.

Balaram Sanctuary and Nala Sarovar Bird Sanctuary in Gujarat; Thar Desert in Rajasthan; Kaziranga in Assam; Bandipur in Karnataka; Dachigam in Jammu and Kashmir and Kanha in Madhya Pradesh are national parks.

·      Collect its (sanctuary and national park) information and write a report.

First we will see here about Sanctuaries and National Parks:

Sanctuaries : Areas protected for the conservation and breeding of wildlife which are threatened with extinction are called 'sanctuaries'. Sanctuaries are created by the state government. Pets can be grazed here after obtaining permission from the authority. Balaram Sanctuary and Nala Sarovar Bird Sanctuary are sanctuaries in Gujarat.

National Park: A protected area for preservation of natural flora, wildlife, places of natural beauty as well as important national sites is called 'National Park'. It is formed with the cooperation of the State Government and the Central Government. There is a complete ban on grazing domestic animals. Gir National Park and Velavadar National Park are famous national parks of Gujarat

·      How do fish give warning?

Fish give warning through electrical signals.

·      How do people living around forests get information about earthquakes and storms?

Certain animals behave differently when earthquakes and storms are about to occur. By observing this behavior of animals, people living around the forest get knowledge about it.

·      What can animals do with their senses?

Animals can see, hear, taste, smell and feel through their senses. Many animals can see their food from great distances. Many animals can hear the smallest sound. Many animals can find their mates by smell.

·      What is a National Park? explain Write the names of two National Parks of Gujarat.

A protected area for preservation of natural flora, wildlife, places of natural beauty and important national sites is called 'National Park'. It is formed with the cooperation of the State Government and the Central Government. There is a complete ban on grazing domestic animals. Gir National Park (Sasangir), Blackbuck National Park (Velavdar), Marine Life National Park (Gulf of Kutch) and Vansda National Park (Navsari) are the famous national parks of Gujarat.

·      Write a short note on 'Wonderful Senses of Tiger'.

Tigers have amazing senses. (1) Tigers can see six times better than us at night. (2) Its whiskers are very sensitive and can sense movement and vibration in the air. It helps the tiger to move in the dark and find food. (3) A tiger's sense of hearing is so acute that it can distinguish between the rustling of leaves and the movement of an animal in the grass. (4) A tiger's ears can move in different directions. It helps him to hear the sound from all sides. (5) Tigers can make different sounds for different functions. It roars and can also snort. (6) A tiger can detect the presence of another tiger in its territory by the smell of that tiger's urine.

·      The government has made a law that no one can catch or keep a snake. What do you think about this law? Give reasons for your answer and write in your own words.

The law made by the government is really correct, proper and in the interest of animals. According to this law no madari or any other person can catch or keep any snake or any wild animal. This law is for wild animals like tiger, lion, leopard, bear, elephant. This law does not apply to domestic animals like cows, buffaloes, oxen, horses, donkeys, camels and goats.

·      Madari people have found it difficult to earn their living. explain

In earlier times Madari used to keep snakes and get money and grains by showing snake tricks to people, but now the government has made a law not to catch or keep wild animals. Due to this law, Madari cannot keep snakes and show snake tricks. This has made it difficult for them to make a living.

·      For Madari, the snake is his treasure. Explain this statement.

Snakes are a source of livelihood for Madari. Madari considers snakes as an important part of life. He never killed snakes or sold their skins. They give a snake as a gift in daughter's marriage. Their 'Kalbelia' dance also has snake-like movements. Thus, snakes are important in their practice as well. Hence it can be said that the snake is an integral part of their life, their treasure.

·      What law has the government made regarding wild animals? Why?

The government has made a law not to catch or keep wild animals. Some people used to kill wild animals and sell their skins, nails, horns and other parts at high prices. Hence the government has made such a law to protect the wild animals.

·      Has anyone asked you to cover your nose with your hand before taking medicine? Why did they ask you to do this?

Yes, I brought medicine from the hospital last month as I was ill. My mom told me to close my nose before giving medicine. I covered my nose with my hand so mom gave the medicine in my mouth and it went down easily in my stomach. Often we do not feel the medicine due to the smell of the medicine and there is a fear of vomiting. Hence the smell is not detected by keeping the nose closed and the medicine can be taken without spoiling the mouth.

·      How do you feel when you are very hungry? How do you explain that?

When we feel very hungry, our mind becomes restless. Headaches and anger also occurs.

-When we are very hungry, we sometimes jokingly say, “I am so hungry that I will eat everything!”

- Often when we feel very hungry we say the cats in my stomach are talking. I have a pit in my stomach.

·      Have you heard or seen the word 'glucose' written anywhere? where?

Yes, I have heard the word 'glucose'. Also, the word glucose is seen written on the packet of glucose powder. I have also heard and seen the word glucose in advertisements on TV. Heard the word glucose from the mouth of the doctor saying that a sick patient in the hospital needs to be given a glucose bottle and saw the word glucose written on the bottle.

·      have you ever tasted glucose in a first aid box? How does it taste? Tell your friend.

Yes, I have tasted the glucose in the first aid box. Its taste is sweet like sugar. I told this to my friend.

·      Have you or anyone in your family been given a glucose bottle? When and why? Tell the class about it.

Yes, in my house when my grandfather was sick, he was given glucose from a glucose bottle in the hospital. Dadaji was very weak due to illness. So the doctor gave him glucose. By giving glucose, Dadaji got strength, his physical weakness was removed and he seemed to be in good spirits. I said this in my class.

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