
Important Short stories must Read

 Let’s we discuss : TIME IS VERY PRECIOUS.

The value of time

A man heard from a saint that time is precious. Their price can be obtained as desired. So he started going to people and saying that my time is very valuable. You can get it for a few hundred rupees per day.

People asked what will you do with the time we buy? The man said I am selling time. Use it however you want. Why should I work hard? People threatened him. One dismissed him as a madman. He went to the saint and complained about not getting a single penny in return for his time. The saint smiled and said, "Son! Time is certainly valued, but it is a blank cheque. The amount can be written on it with a pen like labor and a signature like thought. The better you use the time, the better you fill it with the best thoughts, the more cream it will be." It will happen. You will regret it in the end by sitting around and wasting time."


Don't be dependent

A Seth's wife passed away. All four of his sons were grown up. He distributed his property among his four sons and left himself empty-handed. Sons got married. Sethji lived with his elder son. His wife said that our expenses have increased. stories cannot live independently. So Bapuji sent another brother there. Sethji started living at home with his second son. In a few days the same thing happened there. Similarly, the third and fourth sons also refused to keep themselves there.

Sethji did not lose courage. He started a vegetable and fruit shop and earned his living. He used to advise those who came to buy vegetables that every man should already make provision for old age, or else he would have to repent like me. Along with staying in the family, social service work should also be done.


Correct use of talent

A jeweler took a very valuable diamond to a king's court. The king called his jewelers and asked them to estimate the value of the diamond. Each showed its different value. Finally an old jeweler came. He tested the diamond and said that it was worth ninety-nine lakh rupees. The king asked why ninety nine lakhs? Why not full one crore? The jeweler placed the hero in the middle of the room. A hundred diamonds were placed parallel to it. emanating from the middle diamond The light fell on ninety-nine diamonds, not on one diamond. old Jeweler said that Maharaj! This is the only flaw in this diamond.

That is why I estimated its value at one crore.

The king was pleased. He ordered the old jeweler to be rewarded. A saint was also sitting there. He said, “Give the jeweler an inam, but put a fistful of dust on his head from me.” Everyone was surprised to hear this strange thing.

The king asked the reason. The saint said, “To get the reward Eligibility has been achieved by him in front of all, so he must get the reward, but such a superior brain was used only in testing the stones. He never thought deeply about the God who gave that brain. He never used his high talent in good deeds. If he had used his talent well, many people could have benefited." Knowledge is useful only if it is put to good use.


vain pride

A vassal, Socrates, was talking arrogantly about his land holdings and splendour. His boast  confused by the prererpreter, so he took out a map of the earth and asked, "Will you show me where your land is located here? The map did not mention that place. His own province also looked like a pea. The vassal pointed to it. Sukat said That, this is the map of the whole province. But how much is your land in it? The Jagirdar said that according to the map, it is equal to the tip of a needle. Sukat laughed. He considered the earth as this sesame in the map of the universe and said that if your land in this map is the size of a needle, how small is it compared to the entire universe? Why do you make such a fuss about such a trivial thing?

Hearing this, the Jagirdar's arrogance was reduced. A wise and wise man should never be arrogant. Ego is the downfall of man.


Why did Lakshmiji return?

One Sethji's merit has ended. He did not gather new merit. Lakshmi ji comes from performing pious deeds and leaves when she is exhausted, so she showed Sethji in a dream that I am leaving. Seth pleaded a lot, but he didn't stop, he said don't stop me. Some other boon instead

Sethji wanted my family to live in harmony and co-operation and be valiant and temperate. Lakshmiji happily granted such a boon. His family worked very hard even in poverty and lived in harmony, cooperation and goodwill.

After some time Lakshmiji returned. When Seth asked the reason, he said, “Goodwill towards each other, bravery and manliness are also considered virtues. I have to go where that virtue resides." The family was overjoyed to receive Lakshmiji and began to act so that Lakshmiji would not go back again. In a family that has intimacy, Where there is order and discretion, there is never a lack of anything.


Kuber's wisdom and manliness

A son was born there to Vishrava, the son of sage Pulatsya. He was quite ugly. Everyone used to make fun of him because of his awkward body. He was very sad because of people's stupidity. His name was Kuber. He was very masculine. All in his house too Smiling at him. So he decided that I would show everyone that a man can become very great by making good use of life's wealth.

It is not the beauty of the body but the wealth of virtues that is more important. Hence man should develop virtues. Thinking like this, he started doing severe penance to increase his merit. With his readiness, he also joined his father and grandfather in sadhana. The gods made him lord of wealth i.e. Lokpal and gave him the kingdom of Alkapuri.

Kubera, the god of wealth, increased his virtues and became revered by all.


We are not slaves to circumstances

Lok Sevak Ravi Shankar Maharaj was at that time weaning the zamindars of Saurashtra from alcoholism. Many people even gave up alcohol. One day a zamindar said that Maharaj! I want so much to quit drinking, but it won't.

Maharaj asked him to come to his house the next day. The zamindar came at the appointed time, saw Ravi Shankar Maharaj standing holding a pillar. He said that Maharaj! Now show a special way to give up alcohol. He said that brother! How to show As this pillar holds me He does not leave.

The zamindar laughed and said, Maharaj! How can those lifeless pillars hold you? So leaving the pillar, Ravi Shankar Maharaj said that I am also saying that even alcohol is lifeless, then how can it hold an intelligent human being? I, the zamindar, quit drinking alcohol from that very day.

Habits or addictions do not capture anyone, but the human being himself, captures them. If the mind resolves to leave them! Can easily leave.

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