
Let's Discuss Some Details Of Space and Sky for STD-8 Students

 If the earth is like this sphere, why don't we go down?

We are constantly pulled (attracted) towards the earth's surface due to gravitational force (u). So even though the earth is like a sphere, we do not sink down.


Will people be standing upside down in Argentina?

The size of our earth is huge. Hence, even though the earth is round, there is no 'up' or 'down' on the earth as we live on a very large flat area. This is why Argentines tend to stand up straight.


How did you eat your food? How did you drink the water? What happened to the ball when you threw it up?

We floated and our food floated. They caught the food and ate it while floating. The water was floating like a drop. He caught the drops of water and drank the water. Throw the ball up and it floats and hangs under the ceiling.


Do you think there are any similarities between the sphere and the photograph of this Earth? How is it different?

In the sphere and in the photograph of the earth, the earth appears to be round. This is equality. The difference is that it is difficult to identify countries and places in a photograph of the Earth. When the borders of the countries are shown in the globe, they can be easily identified.


Sunita would have been able to distinguish Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar separately when she was looking at the earth from space?

No, Sunita would not have been able to distinguish between Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar while looking at the Earth from space. Because the lands of the countries on the earth are visible from space, but it is not known to which country that land belongs.


Look carefully at the night sky for five minutes.

(1) What can you see?

Moon and stars are visible in night sky. Also, light streaks of the falling star and some planets are visible.

Do you see anything moving in the sky? What do you think it could be? Star, Comet or Satellite? (Artificial satellites are used for TV, telephone and climate.) Learn more about it.

According to me the shiny object in the sky which is seen moving continuously fast is an artificial satellite. Often a bright bright lisotto is seen in the sky. What we call a 'shooting star'. These are called meteorites.


Information about artificial satellite:

An artificial satellite is a man-made satellite that orbits the Earth in a fixed orbit, in 1957 Russia first launched an artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. After this satellite many artificial satellites have been put into space.

India launched its first artificial satellite - Aryabhata on 19 April 1975 from a Russian space station (cosmodrome). Since then India has launched many artificial satellites from its space station.


Have you ever seen the moon at 12 noon? Why can't we easily see the stars and the moon during the day?

No, I have never seen the moon at 12 noon. The sun gives a lot of light and heat to the earth. As the light of the stars and the moon is very dim compared to the bright light of the sun does not appear Hence we easily see stars and moon during the day Can't see..


(1)  Children always fall down slides. Why not go up on the slip? If this slippery Sunitan was in a spacecraft, could children do it? What?

Children always talk from top to bottom Caused by force. Because, the force of gravity acts from above. This slide would have been in Sunita's spaceship .. the children would not have been able to slide down the slide and float in the air. Because there is no gravitational force in space. Answer: The Sun is very close to the Earth as compared to the stars.

Seeing Earth from space, Sunita said, “Different countries cannot be seen separately from here. These borders are on paper. We made it.” What do you understand by this statement?

Through this statement of Sunita, I understood that the borders of countries are created by humans for their own selfishness. Nature has not created any borders on earth. In the eyes of nature we all (the whole world) are inhabitants of the earth. We are connected with the spirit of 'Vasudhev Kutumkam


What is the relationship between Sun, Earth and Moon?

(1) Sun is a star. (2) This of Earth Solar System is a planet. The earth revolves around the sun. (3) This is the satellite of Moon Earth. The moon revolves around the earth. (4) One of the planets of the Sun is the Earth and the satellite of the Earth is the Moon. (5) Sun the largest, Earth smaller than it and Moon smaller than it. Thus, all three are celestial bodies


Give insight into lunar arts.

(1) Moon has no light of its own. The sun shines on the moon and the moon appears illuminated. (2) The moon does not appear equally illuminated every day. The illuminated portion of the Moon fluctuates in size. This changes the shape of the illuminated part of the moon. These are called moon arts. (3) From Sud Ekam to Poonam 1. The size of the illuminated visible portion of the Moon gradually increases. On the day of Poonam, the moon appears perfectly round. (4) After poonam = vada ekam the moon's art gradually diminishes and on amasa day the moon is not visible at all.


Give a brief introduction about Earth.

Earth is one of the eight planets in the solar system. of the solar system Life exists only on earth. Earth, Venus and Mars It is located between the planets. It is not perfectly round. But like an orange is round. The earth rotates on its axis as well as around the sun. It completes one turn on its axis in twenty-four hours. Day and night occur due to this diurnal motion of the earth. Earth approx Completes the orbit of the sun in 365 days.


How did Sunita Williams see Earth from space? What thoughts did he have there?

Sunita Williams saw Earth from space and found it very beautiful and attractive. Also, he saw the earth as illuminated like the moon from the earth. Many thoughts came to his mind. Describing it, he said that looking at the earth from a great distance, only its land or sea can be recognized. No one can see different countries. We have divided the countries. The borders we create in maps are in our minds. They want us to think about where the borders actually are.


Briefly explain the difficulties faced by an astronaut traveling in a spaceship.

While traveling in a spaceship, an astronaut has to face the following 7 difficulties: (1) An astronaut experiences weightlessness. ” Hence the astronaut does not float in space like a balloon in a spaceship but moves around. (2) The food placed on the table and the dish floating in space are 1. So one has to swim to and fro to catch it. (3) He has difficulty in drinking water and taking food. The water in the cup floats in space as the cup moves.

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