
Let's Read Some Short Stories

 Defense of the country first

Holland is situated on land lower than the sea. A wall has been constructed on the sea shore so that the wind does not penetrate inside. Sometimes, if water comes in, it is swept away by large leaves.

One day in the evening a boy named Peter came out from the sea wall. He saw that there was a hole in the wall and the water was rushing towards the town. He received education in scouting. It was discipline.

Reg He plunged his hand into that ear, knowing no other remedy. He kept shouting for help, but no one heard him in that desolate place. For twelve hours he staggered in the bitter cold. He was thoroughly soaked. had gone and fainted.


In the morning, when the people left there, they saw the boy lying in that condition with the water stopped. After many treatments, his life was saved with great difficulty. The name of Peter who saved Holland from drowning became immortal in the history of Holland.

Such people are worshiped as Vishwavandya Mahamanava due to their great qualities. His example becomes a source of inspiration for many people.


Be self-sufficient

A one-time thing. A boy asked Iswarchandra Vidyasagar for a penny. He asked what will you do with that money? The boy replied that sir, I will fill my stomach with that.

Ishwar Chandraji asked if I give two money? The boy replied, "I have a penny left so I will take gram for my mother-in-law."

Asking if I can give you one rupee, Loksam went and snapped, “Sir, with that, I will stop the family, sell it in the market and slowly deposit it. I will have no other mother to fill my stomach and thank God.

Ishvarachandra was very happy and gave the boy one rupee. A rupee was worth a lot in those days. . After some time Ishvachandra saw that the boy had a small ! had started Seeing him, the boy came out of the shop and touched his feet. There were tears in his eyes.

His voice became full and he said, “Sir, your kindness has changed my life. Begging the people was forever abandoned. Today I have also become a good citizen of the society.”

Ishwar Chandraji hugged him and said that you should also help others in the same way.


Do your own work

The train stopped at a small station in Bengala. A young man got down from the carriage and started shouting loudly to the porter, but where is the porter at that small station?

A middle-aged man noticed that the young man had a small box, so he approached him. The young man threatened him and said that you guys have become very lazy. I never shout. Come on, take this box.

The man started walking behind the young man without saying anything. On reaching his home, the young man started giving the labor money, and the man said, "Thank you, I don't need it at all."

Just then, the elder brother of the young man came out of the house and said - Hello Vidyasagarji. Hearing this, the earth slipped from under the young man's feet. He fell at the feet of Vidyasagarji And started apologizing.

Vidyasagar hugged him and said, "Brother, I want my countrymen to leave their false pride and do their own work on their own." My reward is that you become self-sufficient


error detection

A sculptor made a very beautiful idol. He turned and looked at her for a long time, then began to sob and sob. When people asked Shilpi why she was crying, she said that despite searching a lot, I do not see any mistake in this. If my eye does not detect the slightest mistake, in the future I will not be able to make a more beautiful idol than this.

Such a spirit of man is what makes him passionate and great. A man should often see that there is no mistake left anywhere in my work, right? One should not be satisfied with just doing and leave it to God.


Experience yourself

A king had two sons. When he grew up, he was sent to Guru's ashram for education. After a few years the education of the princes was completed. the king PRAVRUT came to get them.

While leaving, the Acharya said that there is one thing left to teach you, go on learning. He called for a stick and hit the hands of both the princes with two sticks. The princes said, what kind of education is this?

Acharyaji said, “You have to grow up and run the state. Also learn and always remember the principle of how bad it feels to punish an innocent person.” The king was watching all this silently. At first he was very saddened by such behavior of the Guru, but later he along with his sons prostrated at the Guru's feet and said that today he has given a great lesson in life. This is the greatest duty of the king towards the people. You have taught it very well.


Same rule for king

One year it was very hot. Very hot air was blowing. Houses used to catch fire due to heat. Most of the houses in a village were made of grass. It was told to the king that the houses were on fire every day. It was happening because of people's indifference.

The king there, Bimbisara, was very kind and followed the rules and ideals. He used to help the suffering.

A lot of money was spent from the royal treasury due to the fire. Seeing the cost increasing, the king said, “Make such a rule that anyone whose house catches fire will have to stay in a crematorium for a year. People have become very careless. So they have to learn to live within the rules.”

Within a few days, the incidence of fires reduced - disappeared. Once even the king's grass room caught fire. The king made a hut to stay in the crematorium for a year as per the rule and said that I myself should follow the rule, only then will the common people be inspired.

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