
Our Hostorical Fort for Students of STD-8

 Why would large holes have been made in the fort?

From the large wells on the top of the fort, the army could have a view of the large area outside. In this way the fort can be protected. Also, since the advance of the enemy army is known in advance, there is time to deal with it.


What is the difference between a view from a straight-flat wall and a view from a high bastion?

A single front view can be seen from a straight-flat wall. While viewing from a high bastion one can see distant objects in different directions. This is the main difference.


What would be the help to the soldiers by hiding behind the bastion and attacking through the holes?

Attacking through holes while hiding behind the bastion gives the soldiers the protection of the wall. Also, soldiers in the fortress can target enemies outside the fortress as they can see them. But as the enemy army cannot see the soldiers in the fort, the soldiers are saved.


What happens if our house has no electricity for a week? Where can it be difficult to work without it?

Our house will be dark without electricity for a week. It has to be run with small lamps or lanterns. Without electricity we cannot run fans, mixers, ovens, washing machines, heaters, water pumps etc. Also, we cannot use mobile, TV, AC, computer, internet service etc.

Thus, without electricity, our businesses, industries, factories, banks, electric trains and our day-to-day activities would come to a standstill.

For thousands of years tribals used bronze to make many things. Wonder how they extracted copper and tin from the mines, melted these metals and molded them into beautiful objects!

For thousands of years, tribals used to make many things like idols, lamps, plates, bowls etc. out of bronze. Copper and tin mines used to obtain the pure metal in solid form by chemical processing of the ores obtained. After that, copper and clay were melted by heat and mixed to get bronze. Then the liquid bronze was molded into different molds to make beautiful objects.

Find from your elders objects made of bronze and which were-then or still are-used in your house.

In my house bronze objects of grandfather and great grandfather times were in their time and are still used in my house, such things are lamps, idols, plates, bowls and mugs.


Find out from the color of different objects which of them are made of copper, which of brass and which of bronze.

In my house the loto, tarbhani, i spoon, cup etc. red colored items for worshiping God from copper; Lotto, thali, bowl, cup, lamp, pan etc. yellow colored items are made of brass and light yellow items such as murti, bowl, plate, lamp, victory medal etc. are made of bronze.


look around and say how water is drawn from underground to higher places.

The water collected underground comes in a well or a well. Water is drawn up from the well by hand through a pitcher or by a cosh or rent. Water from the wav is filled in a bucket and brought up the steps. In this way water can be drawn from underground to higher places.


What does the king do in his palace? What kind of clothes does she wear? What kind of dishes are prepared for it? But why does he look so worried? And what language does he speak?

The king is sitting in the court of his palace. Their clothes resemble the traditional attire of kings, along with many ornaments. Different types of royal dishes are prepared for them. He appears very worried because his personal spy has given him the news that the king of a neighboring kingdom may invade his kingdom. They speak Prakrit and Hindi.


Conjecture about the rooms of the palace. Where do the beautiful mats and curtains, the fountains on the Agassi... and the sweet scent of jasmine and roses come from?

The rooms of the king's palace are very grand and full of decorations. The rooms are decorated with sudar mats and windows and doors with artistic curtains. At Agassi, the beautiful fountains are cooling and the sweet scent of jasmine and roses wafts from the palace garden.


What different types of factories can you see? How many people work there? What do they do? What are they wearing? How long do you think they will be working?

We can see factories making clothes, utensils, toys and weapons. A factory employs approximately fifty to sixty men. According to each group, people do different things. They are wearing the traditional dress of that time. In my opinion they must be working from morning till night.


Have you visited any old monument? Where is it located? Did you feel like it told you a story? What did you learn from it about the times of those days?

Yes, I went to see the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra. Constructed of marble, the Taj Mahal seems to tell its own story. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz. Although there were no machines in that time, it is known that all these arts of mounting the stones used to build the Taj Mahal, arranging them to make a wonderful building, and carving on them were also present in that time.


What is a fortress? explain

The outer wall of the fort consists of a high circular wall projecting forward at some places. Fort- Such a part is called Garh. Bastions are important for the security of the fort.


What did the children experience while walking in the Buddhist cave?

As the children walked past the Buddhist cave, the echoes of their voices were heard, the cool air was felt there and it was learned from the text that Buddhist monks lived in the cave.


Why did kings build forts? What arrangement was there?

Kings used to build forts to protect themselves, the army and the townspeople. The fort also had armory, cannons, granaries, water system, palaces for kings and queens, religious places, theaters, residences for the army and townspeople, bastions to keep an eye on outside attacks and secret cellars to escape from the fort if needed.

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