
Some Brief Introduction About mountain Climbing for Std _ 8 Students

Have you ever seen mountains? Have you ever climbed a mountain? Where and when?

Yes, I have seen mountains. Gabbar hill of Ambaji, Pavagadh hill and Girnar hill of Junagadh have been seen. Last summer vacation we all went to Junagadh where we climbed Mount Girnar.


How far did you walk? How high can you go?

I have walked for about ten kilometers. I can go up to a height of three kilometers.


Do you think the responsibility of the group leader is sufficient?

In my opinion the responsibility of the group leader is as follows : (1) The group leader takes care of all the members of the group. Assists others in carrying their belongings. (3) to the group Lets go and stays behind. (4) Assists members who are unable to climb. (5) Stay and rest finds a good place. (6) The health condition of the member. Takes special care of it. (7) Arrangement of meals for the group doing. (8) Willingness to take punishment even for mistakes made by other members of the group.


What would you do if you were made the hero of such a camp?

If I am made Nayak of any such camp, I will discharge my responsibility as follows:

(1) As a group leader I will take care of all the members of my group. (2) Will help others carry their belongings.

(3) Will always be behind the group members. (4) Members who climb I will help those who cannot and will help them. (5) Find a good place for the group to stay and rest. (6) Sick I will pay special attention to the member. (7) Arrange group meals. So, I will try hard to be an excellent group leader.


If you have to cross a river on a mountain, what other measures can you take?

We can go river rafting in an inflatable boat to cross the mountain river. If there is a rope-way, we can also use it.

Why do we need more power on mountains?

On mountains we climb in the direction against the force of gravity. Also the roads are rough, steep and curvy. The uphill there is also up and down. So we need more power to climb mountains.


Have you ever heard of someone else doing adventurous work? which one

Yes, I have heard from my uncle that someone else has done an adventurous job. Once Vijaybhai of our village saved a child who was drowning in the river.


Have you ever done any adventurous work? If yes, tell your class and write about it in your own words.

Once I was going to school. On the road, a dog had laid cubs in a pit near the wall of a house.


Have you seen anyone do anything special to avoid fear? And when?

Yes, I have jettisoned some people trying to avoid fear. For example, as my friend is afraid of dogs, as soon as he sees a dog coming in front of him, he crosses the road by hiding behind a large person walking around. Because my foi are afraid of heights, they avoid looking down whenever they climb a hill or the roof of a tall building. Only the aunt gets scared when she comes down to the bathroom in the dark at night and so Jai Hanumandada keeps talking.


You are on a mountain. What was your experience there? What could you see? What do you like to do there?

I am having a wonderful experience on the mountain. The sky is visible all around the mountain. Valleys, flowing streams, special types of trees, remote villages, houses on hills, huts around, goats and sheep grazing in the valleys, people working are looking very small. I feel like I'm at a very high altitude. I find the beauty and scenery created by nature on the mountain very pleasing and delightful.


Have you seen the national flag of any other country? where?

Yes, I have seen the national flag of another country. The India-Australia match was shown on TV this Sunday, in which the national flag of the country of Australia was seen. Also, when the presidents of America, Australia and Japan visit India, national flags of those countries are shown on TV on their cars and in the buildings where they hold talks.


Why is mountain climbing adventurous and challenging? explain How do you prepare if you want to climb a mountain? What will you take with you? Write in your own words.

Climbing a mountain is a very difficult task. Doing so carries the risk of falling, injury, exhaustion and even death. Hence climbing the mountain is adventurous and challenging. If I want to climb a mountain first I take training from a good instructor at a mountaineering institute. Learn how to prepare for mountain climbing. While climbing the mountain, I will carry with me food packets, water bottle, rope, link, plastic sheet, diary, torch, handkerchief, soap, coat, whistle, glucose, jaggery, gram and other snacks etc.


What type of mountain climbing should you do as a member of a group? Have to live with discipline?

As a member of a group in mountaineering one must be disciplined in the following respects:

(1) To obey the instructions of the course guide.

(2 ) To proceed as per the advice of the group leader. (3) Group To do the task that the hero assigns. (4) Living together in a group. If sometimes  If you get separated, remember the learned things and try accordingly. Such as whistling, shouting, radiating light from a torch, using a mobile phone. (5) Not losing patience and sticking to the team Climbing-getting down


What do you do to maintain body balance?

To maintain the balance of the body while climbing the rock, our body has to be kept at an angle of 90. The back should be kept straight and not bent. A special type of rope has to be used when abseiling, which is called 'rappelling'.


What is 'campfire'? What does it do?

A cultural program is held on the last day of trekking, called “Campfire”. Each group presents programs. In which joss, music, acting, dance, song etc. are performed with joy. The program also motivates the members for best performance in the group.


How did Sangeeta madam cross the river? What was the experience at that time?

Sangeeta madam tied a rope around her waist to cross the river and put a link on it, then tied the link to the thick rope that crossed the river. He grabbed the rope and planted his feet firmly on the river bank. As the water started to wade, the river deepened and gradually the water reached the throat of Sangeeta madam. In the middle of the river, they lost their balance and began to slip. The rope began to slip from his hands. They thought they would be swept into the river. But then realized that they were tied with a rope. He tried to grab the rope and pushed himself forward. With some courage they reached the river bank. Thus he crossed the river. This time he was extremely happy.


Briefly describe how Sangeeta Mandam and her group members spent the night in the snow while climbing a mountain.

Sangeeta madam and her group climbing the mountain The members pitched a tent in the snow at a well-suited spot after covering a certain distance and spent the night in it. They used two layers of plastic sheets to pitch and spread the tent. Nails nailed my tent. Sometimes the tent was blown away from one side by the wind. After a lot of hard work and stretching, the tent could be built. After the tent is ready, a pit is dug around it for protection. Made a stove and cooked and ate. Then they went to sleep in their sleeping bag. Thus the members of the group spent the night in the snow.


Give a brief introduction about Bachendri Pal.

Bachendri Pal is the first Indian woman and the fifth woman in the world to climb the summit of Mount Everest. He grew up in Nakuri village in Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. After growing up, he joined the Nehru Mountaineering Institute. His mentor was Brigadier Gnansindh. She started training women in the Women's Mountaineering Course in 1984. In the same year he was selected as a member of the Mount Everest climbing team. There were seven women in his eighteen member team. During the arduous climb of Mount Everest, he was also buried in a terrible snow storm. Some members of the team came back to the camp, but Bachendri Pal and a few others went ahead with him.

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