
Some Important Short Notes Part - 1

 Hello Students Here We have Some Demo Short Notes For School Assignment.

Splendor of Spring

"Look, this Rituraj has come, he has settled in the forest." Each season has a special feature. Thrives in the forest and in the people. Natural beauty is the highlight of spring season. The leaves fall on the trees due to the severe cold of winter. Trees look like human beings without clothes. With the arrival of spring, a new consciousness permeates nature. New buds sprout on the branches of the trees. Colorful flowers bloom on flowering plants. Bunches and flowers fill the atmosphere with beauty. The fragrance of flowers makes the atmosphere pleasant.

Spring is the season that refreshes our body. There is no bone-chilling cold or sweat-inducing heat in this season. Also, there is no mud in this season as it is in rainy season. Mosquitoes do not even bother. The sky is clear without clouds. The atmosphere is pleasant. Humans and animals become exhilarated by the pleasant atmosphere of spring. People stuck at home in the cold come out to enjoy the beauty of spring. People go for walks in gardens. However, the real splendor of spring is seen in the forest. Moths, grasshoppers and ants fluttering everywhere in the forest A flower captures our mind. The cuckoo welcomes the spring with its melodious voice hiding under the tree. Festivals like Vasant Panchami, Holi and Dhuleti come in spring. People celebrate this festival of colors by flying gulal and dancing to the beat of drums. It is fun to eat wheat and jowar ponk in this season.

Poets have called Varsha 'Queen of Seasons' while Vasant has been given the title of 'Rituraj'. Poets have composed many poems in praise of spring.

 A winter morning

Mornings in any season are beautiful, cool and refreshing. Among them Winter mornings are characterized by their rosy coolness. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. Sunrise is late. But there is nothing more fun than getting up early. Twinkling stars are seen in the early morning sky. The morning's soft whispering wind adds to the chill. Animals and birds hide in nests to avoid cold. Farmers in the village get up early in the morning, get ready and go to the field. The clang of the gongs tied to their bullocks enlivens the atmosphere. With the dark sound of Valona and the melody of bells.

The sound makes the atmosphere of the village musical. A rooster greets the dawn by chanting 'cookday...cook'. Gradually, the red of the sunrise begins to spread over the sky and the earth. The touch of the sun's gentle rays awakens a new consciousness in trees and vines. As the sun's rays fall on the dew points, they begin to sparkle like pearls. The birds chirping to welcome the dawn. Some people are seen flying around the heat. profound effect on the public life of the spring and winter mornings in the city. Some people are seen doing 'morning walk' on the road. Some youths are seen exercising in open fields. In the early morning there is a rush of print vendors, milkmen, students, artisans and businessmen. However, many people do not like to leave the warm bed in the morning. They lose valuable morning time staying in bed late.

It is very enjoyable to eat vasana on a winter morning. Winter morning exercise and bathing keeps us healthy and fresh for twelve months. Winter mornings are not kind to asthma and respiratory sufferers. Winters are harsh even for the poor who do not have adequate shelter have Many charitable organizations donate warm blankets to the poor. Let us enjoy the refreshing winter morning and take full advantage


Holi is a social festival celebrated with great joy and gaiety in the spring season. Holi falls on the Poonam day of Phagan month. This myth is popular about Holi: There was a demon named Hiranyakashipu. His son Prahlada was a devotee of God. Hiranyakashipu did not like it. He strongly persuaded Prahlada to give up his devotion to God. But Prahlad did not leave his devotion to God. Hence his father made many attempts to kill him. Knocked him off the mountain. threw it into the sea. But Prahlad's hair did not bend. Foi of Prahlada Holika had a pick. If Holika sits wearing that chunddi, the fire cannot burn her. To burn Prahlad, Holika took off her chunddi and sat on the pyre with Prahlad on her lap. But a gust of wind blew away the pick and the Holika got burnt. Prahlad survived being a devotee of God. Thus, religion triumphed over iniquity. Happy that Prahlad was saved, people celebrated by blowing gulal and dancing. Since then every year this festival is celebrated with joy and gaiety. On the day of Holi, people light Holi by collecting firewood and straw in their streets or squares. People worship and circumambulate Holi Mata. He eats coconut in Holi. Women sing Holi songs. People eat sweets after worshiping Holi. Eating coriander and dates on this day.

The second day of Holi is Dhuleti. On this day people put color and gulal on each other. Children celebrate by splashing color on each other with pitchers. Some people throw mud and dung at each other. Some youth paint each other with oil paint. Hence eye and skin damage. This way of playing Holi is not good. Instead, Holi should be played with colors made from cashew flowers. It's a lot of fun and nobody gets hurt. Holi itself is the favorite festival of Rajasthanis. Some Rajasthanis go to their homeland to celebrate Holi. Hence this proverb is popular : "Diva to Athekate but Holi to home."

The festival of Holi gives us a message of brotherhood and love.

My Memorable Journey

Who doesn't love to travel as a student? The fun of going on a trip with classmates is different. Such trips become memorable.

This year our school had scheduled a five day trip to Saurashtra during the Diwali holidays.

Our bus left our school on October 15th at ten o'clock at night. We were forty-eight students and six teacher siblings in our bus. We were moving in the bus singing, dancing and joking. No one fell asleep on the bus at night even though it was a night journey.

During the tour we visited Rajkot, Jamnagar, Porbandar, Dwarka, Okha, Betdwarka, Shardagram, Veraval, Somnath, Junagadh, Tulsishyam, Satadhar Sarangpur, Garhda etc. We were blessed with a visit to Kirti Mandir, the birth place of Gandhiji in Porbandar. We became pure by seeing Lord Shri Krishna in Dwarka and Lord Shankar in Somnath. Okha to Betdwarka.

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