
Some Important Short Notes Part - 2

 Vatsalyamurthy Ma

The status of Vatsalyamurthy is the highest in the world. A mother sacrifices everything for her saint/bug. I bear the unbearable pain of childbirth. The mother constantly takes care of the nest. If the child wets the bed, the mother But the child is put to bed. When the child falls ill, she serves her child day and night. Mother herself feeds the child while being hungry. She makes dishes that the child likes.

Mother's contribution in instilling rites in the child is greater. Father is going out on business. Mother spends more time with the child, so mother's rites are more in the child. Preparing the child in the morning, sending him to school, helping him in his studies, feeding him on time, bringing him the things he needs, playing with him, taking him for a walk etc. A mother narrates a story to the child, sings songs, interacts with him, it inculcates the child's morals. The qualities of cooperation, empathy and service are developed. The contribution of faith is also special in the life-formation of great men. This is why it is said that 'a cultured mother

The need for all teachers is good.'

Believe that love is selfless. She does not expect anything from her children. There is only one desire in his distance, 'My child is happy.' For the well-being of the child, he is ready to bear whatever sufferings the child of Anapata may be ugly, deformed, retarded, but therefore does not fall in the mother's love. Sometimes parents have more feelings for such a child. That is why poet Botadkar has written –

Janani jod sakhi nahi jade re lol.'

Mani Mamata is not only found in human beings. Birds also have immense love for their young. They also lovingly take care of their young.is why it is said that Janani and Janmabhoomi are superior to heaven 4: Janani Janmabhoomisch Swargadapi Gariyasi.

Friendliness of books/importance of reading

One who can read but does not read is the same as illiterate. Students read books as per their syllabus. It increases their information and knowledge. But the knowledge from these books is limited have So students should read other books besides their textbooks. The friendship of books plays an important role in the development of human life. Ruskin's book 'Unto The Last' inspired Gandhiji to do Satyagraha.

Books like the Gita and the Bible have inspired many people in the world to lead noble lives. Texts like Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavata have played an important role in sustaining Indian culture.


There is no friend like a good book. He gives us the right guidance. It motivates us to do good deeds. Good books give us the strength to live with equanimity in happiness. Reading the biographies of great men inspires us to maintain peace and patience even in adversity. Reading good books develops courage, bravery, kindness, love, forgiveness etc. in us. By reading good books, our power to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong and flourishes in us.

Good books shape our lives. When inferior books ruin our lives. It misleads us. So in Apash 1 they should be friends with good books. One author has done it right, tell me what you're reading and I'll tell you how you are! Also, by reading English books, we get used to look atNow is the age of television. People's interest in reading books is increasing. People spend most of their time watching TV programs. Now the use of books is enough to enhance the beauty of the closet.

The number of readers in libraries is also decreasing. Even so, there is no dearth of readers of good books even today. The importance of good books continues to grow. To get real life education we should read inspiring books regularly

Gandhi Jayanti

'You gave us freedom without sword and shield, Saint of Sabarmati, you have done wonders.' Gandhi Jayanti means the birthday of Father of the Nation Gandhiji. This day is celebrated as a national festival across the country. Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on the second day of October. Gandhiji was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar in Saurashtra.  

Gandhi was an ordinary child in his childhood. That time he saw the play 'Harishchandra' and read the story of Shravan. It had a great influence on him. He resolved to always speak the truth and serve his parents. It is only because of such samskaras acquired in childhood that he was able to correct his mistakes in life and become great. He went to Wilayat to study law. He went to South Africa to practice law. There he saw the injustice caused by the apartheid policy adopted by the British. He adopted the path of Satyagraha to overcome it. In that they succeeded. He died in AD. Came back to India in 1915. India was also ruled by the British. Gandhiji fought against the British to liberate India through the path of truth and non-violence. At the end of the long struggle Our country became independent on 15th August 1947. Gandhi became the 'Father of the Nation' in the hearts of crores of people of the country.

Gandhiji's personal life was also inspiring. He lived simply. Praying in the morning. Spinning rentio daily. He was like a saint. Hence he came to be known as 'Mahatma Gandhi'

On the day of Gandhi Jayanti, a program of mass prayer and mass chanting is held everywhere. Gandhi's mausoleum is located in Delhi. It is known as 'Rajghat'. On this day, national leaders go to Gandhi's tomb and offer flowers there. Bhajan program is also held there. Cleaning programs are held in schools. Gandhiji's favorite hymn 'Vaishnavajan to aye re kaye...' is sung in prayer-meetings. Speeches are given on the life and works of Gandhiji. Exhibition of Gandhian literature is also held at some places.

Gandhi is considered to be the greatest great man of the 20th century. Let us take inspiration from his life. May we imbibe his virtues of truth, non-violence, simplicity and service in our lives.

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