
Some Important Topic For STD 3

 Let’s Today Talk About Some Important Details About Animals For Standard 3 Students.

Different types of animals are found around us. It includes reptiles, mammals, birds and insects. Animals variant in their size, color, body parts, feeding habits, mode of movement and habitat. Some animals are very large in size. E.g., elephant, camel. Some animals are very small in size. E.g., Ant, Mankodo. Some animals are black, brown, red, green in color, while some animals are white and striped.

Animals have different body parts like- Some animals have tails, some have noses (trunk), some have two legs, four legs, six legs, some have horns. Some have eight or more legs, some have no legs. Some have beaks and wings.

Animals have different ways of consuming food. Some animals take food with mouth or tongue, some animals with beak. Some animals eat with their snout, while others grab food with their front legs. Similarly, their drinking habits also vary.  Animals vary in the way they move (move). Some animals migrate by walking, some by jumping, some by crawling, some by swimming or flying.

Animals have a variety of habitats. According to the habitat, there are three main types of animals: (1) terrestrial animals, (2) aquatic animals and (3) arboreal animals. Some animals can live both in water and on land. They are called 'amphibious' animals. A frog is an amphibian animal.

Now Let’s See Details About Plants For Standard 3 Students.

Different types of plants are found on our earth.Vegetation includes trees, shrubs, plants, vines etc. Names of plant parts are as follows: (1) root (2) stem (3) leaf (leaves) (4) flower (5) fruit

Large plants in size and shape are called trees. E.g., Banyan, Neem, Palm, Mango, Neem etc. A plant that is small in height and has a green and tender growth is called a plant (herb). E.g., Barmasi, Tulsi, Eggplant, Tuvar etc. A plant larger than a plant and smaller than a tree is called a shrub. E.g., Jasood, Mehndi, Karen, Limondi, Dammdi etc. Creeper trunks are thin and weak. So he cannot stand upright. He takes the support of others wraps around. The life span of the vine is short. On top of it there are fruits and flowers according to the season. E.g., milkweed, cucumber, wal, peas, grapes etc.

Plants vary in shape, height, size, flower and fruit. There are variations in the shape and size of the leaves of the plant. It is round, oval or triangular. Some plants have small or large leaves. Veins of plant leaves are straight or horizontal. By placing paper on a leaf or trunk and rubbing wax color or pencil color on the paper, an impression of the leaf or trunk can be taken. Items in our home like sheets, pillows, photo frames, kitchen tiles, carpets, sarees, frocks etc. have leaf or flower prints. Trees are useful to us in many ways. Trees are our friends. Trees should be planted and maintained at home and on roads.

Are all the leaves the same color, shape and edge?

No, not all leaves have the same color, shape and edges but are different. In terms of color, some leaves are dark green, some are light green, some are yellow, red and even purple in color. A leaf is green and has a white spot. In terms of shape, some leaves are round, some are long and some are triangular. The leaves are also different from each other in the way of edge. Some leaves have straight edges and some have horizontal edges. So the edges of some leaves are grooved like a saw.

 (1) What variety is there in the leaves of each type of plant?

In the shape, color and appearance of plant leaves There are variations. Some leaves are round in shape, some are elliptic, some are long, some are triangular. The colors of the leaves also vary. Some are light green, some are dark green. - Some are yellow, red or purple in color. In addition, the edges of each leaf are also different. Some leaves have straight edges, some have serrated edges, some have serrated edges.

Here Some Discussion About Water for Students of Standard 3

Water is our precious wealth, water is the elixir of life. Water is life itself. Save water, water will save us. The source of water is called source of water. Well, pond, stream, river, lake, borewell, tubewell, rain, etc. are sources of water.

Water is useful in drinking, cooking, our daily activities, washing clothes, eating dishes, house cleaning, farming and industries. The water in the sea and on the earth becomes vapor and rises up to form a cloud. And as the cloud cools, water drops fall on the ground as rain. This journey of water is called water cycle.

Water is useful in household. Also, water is useful in our biological activities, transportation of goods, dispersal of seeds and travel on waterways. We need water to sustain life. We cannot go a day without drinking water. Dehydration occurs as water decreases from our body. It will make you unconscious. If this goes on for a long time, death will also occur.

Write a short note on : Monsoon (rainy season)

Monsoon: India has monsoon season from July to October. Monsoon is considered from Ashadha to Aso months according to Gujarati months. It rains in the monsoon season. Greenery spreads all around. People wear raincoats or hats and carry umbrellas. In the monsoon season, farmers start cultivation with unripe seeds. Monsoon means the season of various festivals and fairs. Festivals such as Ashadi Bija, Rakshabandhan, Janmashtami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Bhadravi Poonam, Dussehra, Dhanteras, Diwali etc are celebrated in this season. Heavy rains sometimes occur during this season, causing floods in rivers and causing heavy damage. In the monsoons, small children make paper boats and float them in the rainwater. The sky is covered with dark clouds and lightning flashes. Vegetables such as okra, bitter gourd, gourd, chola, kankoda etc. can be eaten in the monsoon season.

Dear Students Please read this Article about Structure.

Buildings are made of bricks, sand, small stones, cement, water etc. Wood and iron are also used in it. After a house is built, a family lives in it, so it becomes a house.  House protects us from cold, heat and rain. We use every part of the house in different ways. Like, as a kitchen, as a sitting room, as a bedroom, as a children's study room and as a master bathroom. Our belongings, money, jewelery are preserved due to the house.  Building a house is the dream of every human being.

In addition to our family (family), various animals live as additional guests in the house. Some of which animals We want to keep Like cat, parrot etc. When some animals live in the house without our permission. Like, cockroaches, lizards etc.

We clean our house every day. We use brooms, brooms, cloths, doormats etc. to clean the house. We put the household waste, waste materials, garbage etc. in the garbage bag of the house and give it to the sweeper in the morning, who disposes the garbage properly. We should keep our yard and compound clean. Also, the area around the house should also be kept clean. On some special days of the year, we decorate our school, house and streets and celebrate festivals. We want to keep Like cat, parrot etc. When some animals live in the house without our permission. Like, cockroaches, lizards etc.

Home is Second School.

We clean our house every day. We use brooms, brooms, cloths, doormats etc. to clean the house. We put the household waste, waste materials, garbage etc. in the garbage bag of the house and give it to the sweeper in the morning, who disposes the garbage properly. We should keep our yard and compound clean. Also, the area around the house should also be kept clean.

On some special days of the year, we decorate our school, house and streets and celebrate festivals. Home is the school of family rituals. A child who enrolls in school climbs the school ladder by learning many lessons in home schooling. Family consists of grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters etc.

A family consisting of grandparents, parents and one or two children is called a small family and a happy family. If the family is small, the needs and comforts of all members of the family can be met, and everyone can live in peace and happiness.

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