
Some Short Stories must Read

Gino's School

An old Greek philosopher said to his friend that I have devised a plan to teach the people truth and virtue. I have also selected the place for Vidyalaya, but I am not getting students.

The friend sarcastically said that you should enter a few sheep and start teaching them. It is difficult to find people for this plan of yours. Finally only two young men came. His family considered him half-mad and he became a headache for the neighborhood.

After seeing the children's cultured children's stories, the old man started teaching them. People used to say that dosa Found a good way to pass the time. But when the same two disciples of Gino returned home for the first time after completing their education, their way of communicating and living had completely changed. His discipline and practice won the hearts of the people. Then the number of students started increasing so much that a normal school became a university. One of those students became the Commander-in-Chief of Greece and the other became the Chief Secretary. He was the old famous philosopher Gino and his institute became famous as 'Gino's School'.

A true Guru does not get discouraged even if he does not find a suitable student. They make even the untidy neat.


Baba Raghavdas

Outside the village, a monk was preparing to meditate after sitting on a seat. At that time, a commotion was heard from the village. Before they could think anything, flames started to appear. He left his meditation and ran to the village. The tuwers in the fields beat at his feet. Because of this, his feet became bloody, but he ran regardless.

On reaching the village, he saw flames coming out of a big mansion and the people of the house standing outside

Beating the chest. The owner of the house was shouting that my two oxen were tied inside. No save them.

No one had the courage to go to the burning house and release the oxen. Compassion arose in the mind of the monk. He wrapped a blanket around his body and quickly entered the house. It took some time to find the bulls and release them. By then the door was also on fire. People standing outside were worried that what will happen now? But the emaciated hermit came out with both the bullocks. Then put out the fire with the help of everyone was taken The monk again went and sat down to meditate. Despite the disruption in the regularity of his worship, his face was full of joy.

He thanked T Lord for giving him the opportunity to serve. He was happy because he got an opportunity to serve the real God today. That ascetic was Baba Raghavdas.


True virtue

The king of Kushinagar was known to buy merit from people. He kept a thorn. Virtue sellers own Write a statement of earnings of Imadari and put it in a palla. The scale corresponding to that paper itself would tell them how much gold they would get.

Jayanagar was attacked by enemies and the king had to flee in the dark of night along with his wife and sons. They had nothing. They could not even carry their hand-me-downs with them. After going far away and sitting in the shade of a tree, Raja Rani started thinking that how will we fill our stomach now?

Rani said that Dege has done a lot of charity throughout his life. Let us sell some of it to the king of Punya Kushinagar and bring some wealth.

The king agreed, but how to reach Kushinagar on a hungry stomach? Rani suggested a solution. He said that I will go to the village and grind the grains of the people and collect what grows for eating every day. You make roti.

One day the king was baking bread. He didn't have Mahavaro, so he got burnt. Before they sat down to eat, a beggar arrived. He stretched out his hand and asked the king to eat. The king was lost in thought. If I give this roti, what will we eat? And if we don't eat, how will we reach Kushinagar?

Rani said that we will be hungry for one more day. First give it roti. According to the queen's advice, the king! All the loaves were given to the beggar and his family started walking forward hungry.

          When enough flour was found on the way to fill the stomach, the king made roti and ate it all. In this way they reached Kushinagar in ten days. When the king explained the reason for his coming, the reply was that he should go to Dharmakanta and put away what he had honestly earned in a palla. Thorn himself to you? Will give gold. The king of Jayanagar remembered his old deeds and wrote down some of them and put them in Pallas, but it got him nothing.

The priests present there said that you should write the details of what you have earned by hard work and what you have donated. He remembered that the king had given bread to the beggar. He wrote down its description and placed it in the scales. In exchange for that, in the second palla, a hundred sonamahoras came.

Purohit said, “Whatever you earn with honesty and hard work! It is only such a donation that gives merit.” The king thanked the queen for the advice she had given him. Because of that he came to know the true meaning of Punya and got Sonamahoro.


Duty of the Sea

It's about a day. Chandrama said to Samudra, “The water of all the rivers is absorbed in your stomach. So it seems that your cravings have increased greatly."

Samudra said slowly, “You don't understand. I keep sending my water through the clouds wherever it is needed. If I don't do that, you yourself show how the order of this creation works. If all the people keep collecting and don't give to others, the work will not work. I am doing my duty I don't see what others say or do.” Saying this, the ocean turned to its work.

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